
A Practical Guide to Enterprise Anti-Virus and Malware Protection

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Explore how companies can maintain internet security. This paper suggests that every computer be protected by an up-to-date anti-virus and spyware software, as well as a firewall. It also stresses the need for email security on a company-wide level.

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Security Highlights from Around the Web

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This article gives a synopsis of 2004 internet security news, as well as an outline of projected future threats. Phishing, online data security and cybercrime are the top threats for the future of internet security. The best defense against such threats is a combination of security software and user education.

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When Worlds Collide: Information Sharing for the Security and Anti-Virus Communities.

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Examine current trends toward the development of anti-malware software for protection against trojans, viruses and spyware. This paper shows how the anti-virus world is moving closer to the general information security world.

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Policy Framework for Interpreting Risk in eCommerce Security

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This paper provides a framework for managing information security policy for eCommerce applications. It does not recommend a specific product, but attempts to detail what is needed for internet security. Its purpose is to set directions and procedures, and to define penalties and countermeasures for noncompliance.

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Tracing the Source of Network Attack: A Technical, Legal and Social Problem

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Explore the technical, social and legal problems faced by designers of traceback systems. These systems attempt to locate the particular host that initiates network attacks or computer fraud.

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Computer Crime

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Public hearings underscored the need for law enforcement at all levels to coordinate efforts to control the "dark side" of the computer revolution. This includes prosecuting high-tech criminal laws, pursuing civil remedies for online wrongdoing, and helping adults and children to protect themselves in cyberspace.

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Web Browser Security Vulnerabilities

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National Security Telecommunications and Information Systems Security Committee outlines some of the steps you can take to lower your risk when browsing the web, and discusses the benefits and consequences of security measures.

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